Monday 4 October 2010

Testing Photoshop and Manipulating Images

This image below was from
I have manipulated this image and changed the connotations that it tells the audience.
The image connotes a sense of freedom and realism as well as naturalism. The man shows looks like he is enjoying his time hiking and "being on top of the world" as it may seem.


This was my first attempt at manipulation, instead of a connoting a feeling of happiness and joy this image connotes fear and dread as it looks as if he is attempting to commit suicide. This image contrasts with the original because in the first one he is happy because of the natural world but in this image he is in the industrial world, this connotes fear and restriction because he is not free to do what he wants in a city like he is in the wild.

This is my second attempt at manipulation. Now the image has lost it bright, glorious and beautiful effect it seems to connote anger because the rocks are sharp and jagged which promote anger. Now that the image is black and white and there is no light, the man's face has been shadowed and his pose seems to connote his anger with the natural world now instead of his happiness. This image as a whole is much more darker and melancholy.

1 comment:

  1. James these have been manipulated well to show different locations and also lighting effects.

    You have written well about the connotations.
